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Senin, 19 November 2012

—Conjunction atau atau connector atau kata sambung adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan/menggabungkan kata dengan kata yang lain, phrase dengan phrase yang lain, atau clause dengan clause yang lain.

Ada 3 tipe conjunctions:
1.coordinating conjunctions
2.correlative conjunctions, and
3.subordinating conjunctions
—I. Coordinating conjunctions
— for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
—Conjuctions ini digunakan untuk menggabungkan kata dengan kata yang lain, menggabungkan phrase dengan phrase yang lain, atau kalimat dengan kalimat yang lain.
1.The boy keeps the lights on, for he is afraid of sleeping in the dark.
2.She is cute but evil
3.Do you want to go with me or to stay home?
4.He has one good dictionary and at least 3 good English books.
5.My dad was very tired, so he went to bed earlier.
6.I didn’t study, yet I passed the exam.

— Correlative conjunctions
—both ...and
—Neither ... Nor
—Not only ... But also

Conjunctions ini juga menggabungkan element-element kalimat seperti di atas. Bedanya adalah selalu digunakan secara berpasangan.

1.Both my sister and my brother can play the guitar.
2.Either the students or the teacher is going to go to the museum tomorrow.
3.Neither John, Sussie nor I have a good studying habit.
4.He is not only handsome but also smart.
—Subordinating conjunctions
—Subordinating conjuctions adalah kata-kata yang dapat digunakan untuk membentuk adverbial clause (yang umumnya merupakan anak kalimat /subordinate clause) dari kalimat pokok (main clause).
—Conjunction tipe ini dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 5, yaitu conjunction yang menyatakan :
2.Cause and effect

— —
—Subordinating conjunctions

1. Time (digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu)
—after (setelah) once (segera setelah)
—as (sementara) till (hingga/sampai)
—the last time (terakhir kali) so long as (sepanjang)
—the first time (pertama kali) while (sementara)
—by the time before (sebelum)
—as long as (sepanjang) since (sejak)
•as soon as (segera setelah) whenever (setiap kali)
•every time (setiap kali)
—the second time (kedua kali)
—the next time (kali berikut)
—When (ketika)

—Write a sentence for each number using both ... And, either ... Or, neither ... Nor.

1.Tom is an active student. Sofia is an active student.
2.Wheat is grain. Rice ia a grain.
3.You can have orange juice or avocado juice,not both.
4.They cannot bring home dictionaries. They can not bring home encyclopedias.
5.The guests arrive too early. They won’t arrive too late.
6.You may leave today. Or, you may leave tomorrow. It doesn’t matter to me.

1.When you cram for exam, you will get tired. You will get sleepy, too.
2.To join the contest, you can write an essay. If not, you can make a speech.
3.He does not have a pen. He does not have paper.
4.Ron enjoys horseback riding. Bob enjoys horseback riding.
5.Arthur is not in class today. Ricardo is not in class today.
6.She wants to buy a Chevrolet, or she wants to buy a Toyota.
1.We will play football after we finish doing the homework.
2.Before they got married last month, they had been seeing each other for almost ten years.
3.When I got home last night, someone was trying to break into my house.
4.A friend of mine felt asleep on his desk while the teacher was teaching.
5.She has turned into a different person since she became a famous artist.
6.I will keep studying hard until the final exam is over next week.
7.We will leave as soon as the rain stops.
8.As long as I live, I will never see your fucking ugly face again.
9.Whenever I look at her picture, my heart beats fast.
10.The first time we went to Bali, we went to Tanah Lot.
11.The next time I play you, I will kick your ass. Note: kick your ass = kick your butt = mengalahkan. Sangat informal.

—2. Cause-effect (digunakan untuk menyatakan sebab akibat)
—because (karena)
—inasmuch as (karena)
—so…that (sehingga)
—since (karena)
—now that (karena sekarang)
—such …that (sehingga)
—as (karena)

1.He got an accident because he drove while he was drunk.
2.I passed that course easily since the questions were very easy.
3.Now that the semester is finished, I am going to rest for a few days and then take a trip to Bali.
4.As she had nothing to do, she asked me to come over to her house.
5.Inasmuch as the two countries’ leaders didn’t reach an agreement, the possibility of war between the two countries remains open. (Karena kedua kepala negara tidak mencapai suatu kesepakatan, kemungkinan adanya perang antara kedua negara tersebut masih tinggi).
6.The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.
7.He has such a nice body that a lot of girls are attracted to him. (Dia punya badan yang begitu bagus, oleh karena itu, banyak cewek yang tertarik padanya).

—3. Opposition (utk menyatakan makna berlawanan
—although (walaupun)
— even though (walaupun)
— while (sedangkan)
—though (walaupun)
—whereas (sedangkan)
— no matter (tidak memandang)
—Although he is not tall, he is a very good volleyball player.
—Jenny is rich, whereas Joni is poor.
—No matter how hard I tried, the math problems couldn’t be solved.

—4. Purpose ( utk menyatakan tujuan)
—in order to (agar)
— in order (that) (agar)
—so that (agar)
—During the class, we need to be quiet in order to be able to listen to what the teacher says.
—I turned off the TV so that my roommate could study well.
—I turned off the TV in order (that) my roommate could study well.
—They keep practicing their English in order (that) their English improves steadily. (Mereka terus berlatih bahasa Inggris agar bahasa Inggrisnya terus meningkat).

—5. Conditional (utk menyatakan pengandaian)
—if (jika)
— whether or not in case (that) (jika)
—unless (jika tidak)
— even if (walaupun jika)
—providing (that) = if or only if
—only if (hanya jika)
—in the event (that)
—provided (that) = if or only if
—If my parents were not home, I would invite my friends to come over.
—I will go unless it rains. (Saya akan pergi jika tidak hujan). Note: unless = if…not. Jadi, kalimataya dapat ditulis menjadi: I will go if it doesn’t rain.
—I don’t care no more whether or not you want to study = I don’t care no more whether you want to study or not. (Saya tidak peduli lagi apakah kamu mau belajar atau tidak).
—I have decided to marry her. Even if my parents disagree, I am going to marry her. (Saya telah memutuskan untuk mengawininya. Walaupun jika orang tua saya tidak setuju, saya akan (tetap) mengawininya).
—I’ll be in the library in case you want to find me. Note: in case = if